Business planning - Team Nimbus NJ Mon, 16 Dec 2024 14:55:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business planning - Team Nimbus NJ 32 32 Why 80% of Small Businesses Are Doing It All Wrong (And How to Fix It) Mon, 16 Dec 2024 14:55:37 +0000 In 2024, there are approximately 33.2 million small businesses in the United States, which is 99.9% of all businesses in the country.

Small businesses employ 45.9% of the U.S. workforce or about 61.6 million people. 

BUT...8 out of 10 small businesses operate without employees.

I check the US Bureau of Labor Statistics frequently but had not seen that one.

How is that sustainable?

Stop there a moment...That means about 80% of all business owners in the US operate alone. No wonder they feel overwhelmed. What if there were a better way?

Planning for Better

As you look at your plans for 2025, ask yourself these questions:

  • How will you get the work done? 
  • What could you change in your business that would let you off-load some work, without taking on a big payroll?

Over my twenty-plus years as a small business consultant and coach, I discovered the better way. I didn’t invent it—it was right there among my business coaching clients.  

And it’s dazzling! I named it The Starburst Business Model.

This hidden gem, this revolutionary business approach, is powerful. It leverages key assets that often aren’t recognized—your relationships.

This model can shift your mindset from doing it all yourself to building a collaborative network of experts as your go-to team. The set of unique strengths in each network creates a thriving ecosystem.

The Starburst Model Is Perfect for Solopreneurs

The small business owner values independence and control. But independence doesn’t mean doing it all alone. The Starburst model allows you to:

  • Stay agile while scaling.
  • Build a support system without hiring employees.
  • Create a resilient business that grows with you.

How Does it Work?

The unique aspect of the Starburst Business model is reciprocity. I’m going to use this word a lot, so here’s a couple of definitions

From the Cambridge Dictionary:

Reciprocity is behavior in which two people or groups of people give each other help and advantages.

In social psychology, reciprocity is a social norm of responding to an action executed by another person with a similar or equivalent action.

Reciprocity works within a set of mutually beneficial relationships.

It is NOT a one-way street where subcontractors come and go.

In the Starburst model, work flows naturally around a network of experts with different skills. Each business owner focuses on bringing in money, as well as the business tasks she’s good at and loves to do.  The stuff she isn’t skilled in (or flat-out dodges) goes to the person who excels and is eager for that kind of work. Each gets paid for what they do best.

And with freed-up time and energy, the small business owner can turn to essential but not urgent areas of the business. Strategic planning, branding, or even looking for new business often get dropped or pushed aside by the overwhelmed.

Why Does it Work?

In a Starburst business model, small business owners work for EACH OTHER, in their areas of expertise, but not as employees. The key again is reciprocity.

  • You focus on your strengths:

Every small business owner excels in certain areas but struggles or ignores others. In the Starburst model, you stick to what you do best and delegate the work that is not in your wheelhouse. Remember, the primary job of the business owner is to bring in the business!

  • You have flexibility without employees

Hiring cost money, time, responsibilities and risks. When you build a Starburst network, you can find the skills you need without committing to a permanent hire.

  • The businesses grow through working together

When one member of the network grows, everyone benefits. Referrals and collaborations create a ripple effect that multiplies opportunities for all involved.

Tell Me More...

The independent publisher has a writer for a client. Often the first task is coaxing out a finished manuscript! But publishing requires a wide range of skills.

  • Editors for polishing manuscripts (so many kinds of editors!)
  • Designers for layout, book covers, websites (so many designers!)
  • Marketers to promote the finished product (so many platforms!)

But the publisher (remember, no employees) does not need each of those skills sets every day. With a Starburst approach, the editor builds a network of trusted specialists:

  • An editor with other authors connects publisher with new clients.
  • A designer who works on the book covers recommends the publisher to other creatives.
  • A marketer who promotes authors also drives traffic back to the publisher.

And what goes around comes around.

A marketer for small businesses pioneered a co-working space in her community.

  • The creatives she needed to work with would be close at hand, while being able to work on their own projects. 
  • The marketer offers her space to others in her Starburst network—her mastermind network, her coaches and other professionals-- as meeting or presentation space.
  • The traffic through the co-working space creates even more business and relationships.

These examples are of real clients from a real mastermind team I led.  I saw the marketer yesterday. She wants to do my Profitable Business Plan workshop, coming up in January. The publisher gives talks at the creative marketing hub. She prodded and coaxed me to write my book, Formerly Corporate, where I first wrote about the Starburst model.

These are long-standing relationships, and business just keeps going around. I try never to miss a party with these folks.

If this Starburst idea seems like a dream, the network I sketched out above has been working for over 15 years.  And there are several more business owners involved.

Can you imagine a “constellation” of Starbursts?  All these little Starbursts shooting off new ones?

It takes time and determination to find the right people for your Starburst. But once this gets going, it is easier to connect with a collaborator’s network, and on and on.  You build “colleagues for life”.

How to Build Your Starburst Network

This is a flexible, efficient way to do business, centered on the things you do best.                              

  • Start with what you love to do. Why did you start your business anyway? What are your core strengths—the things you truly enjoy and excel at it?
  • Identify what’s missing. What are the chores of your business? What never gets crossed off your to-do list? I guarantee there’s a small business owner out there who loves to do that.
  • Find your people. Look for professionals with complementary skills, where the finished job requires both or most of the skilled folks in your Starburst. And who value this next part:

Treasure the Emotional Connections

Be genuine. The key to success here is again...reciprocity. What goes around comes around. As in any good relationship, you all have to put in the effort.  You are building your teams.

When you’re in a Starburst Business, you’re saying:

  • “I trust you will bring your best to the table, and to my clients that I share with you.”
  • “And I will do the same.”
  • “I value your expertise, as you value mine.”
  • “Together, we can create something greater than we could alone.”

Ready to start?

The Starburst Business Model is more than a strategy. It’s a mindset. It’s about shifting from trying to do it all yourself to working in a thriving, collaborative community. And aren’t we all yearning for community these days?

If you’ve read this far, you are thinking about how this could work for you. I’d say first—take note of the things you really don’t like to do in your business--the stuff that means you’re leaving money on the table. Then think of who you know who does that work. Or ask someone. I bet you’ll make more money than you spent for the help. And there’s three people in your Starburst already!

Lorette Pruden has helped hundreds of small business owners, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and community leaders grow their businesses and manage that growth since 2000. She specializes in the Formerly Corporate—so many small business owners who’ve worked with her come from a corporate background that she finally wrote the book on it.

Balancing Risk and Reward: Strategies for Business Growth Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:36:31 +0000 “There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” U. S. President John F Kennedy.

If you don’t quite recall, President Kennedy took a huge long-range risk at great cost to send astronauts to the moon—and back. The Apollo program cost billions in 1960’s dollars, and millions of (mostly) man-hours (ref the movie about the computers), and several brave pioneers lost their lives in the testing before the moon-shot mission.

Two great movies can to fill you in and get you in an adventurous mood: Hidden Figures and  Apollo 13.  The success of the moon shots depended on the “computers”—the name for the data analysts who computed with slide rules. And the skilled pilots-the astronauts who flew Apollo 13 back.

I remember that time well, because I grew up, not quite in the shadow of NASA, but within commuting distance of Huntsville, Alabama.  Houston and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida are more famous, but Huntsville was the cradle of the space industry. It is still a center of high-tech innovation and creation in the space industry. It is also home to the US Army Base, the Redstone Arsenal, where the Marshall Space Flight Center is located.  My grandmother even worked at Redstone during WWII, in a kind of Rosie the Riveter manufacturing role while the guys were at the front.

There’s a great museum there, where you can go “weightless”!

That’s probably as close as most of will get to a moon shot.

But within our own businesses, there are plenty of chances to think too hard about too small a target, and not enough about taking a bigger risk. 

Let’s take a look at the risks and costs of either path in more detail.

Take Action!  Set Sail.

There you go…setting goals and targets, but often holding yourself to smaller steps than you’d really like to accomplish. Even once you have your plan established, there are so many ways it can go wrong, both anticipated and unexpected.

The number one reason projects fail is failure to start. I read that in an HBR article decades ago. It really stuck. So, start.

What could go wrong?

  • Getting Stuck on Assumptions:  One of the great lessons of my engineering education came early on…before you start a solve a problem, state your assumptions.  Even that simple exercise can lead to breakthroughs. It became one of my strategies in my career—examine the assumptions.  “We’ve always done it that way” does not lead to innovation. It can, and does, lead to limiting approaches and lessened adaptability to new information.
  • Overrunning your Budget:  What’s your budget-- of time, energy, money, health? All of those are limited for the citizen business owner. Resources--personnel, infrastructure, opportunity costs-are expended. When you choose one project, another must be rejected, or postponed. If the program fails, or you quit or turn to something else, these sunk costs could sink your business! We do not have a Mint like Kennedy did.
  • Missing Opportunities: In the R&D world I lived in then, any researcher worth her salt had more ideas that the team could possibly tackle. That’s also true in the small business world. Target market, pricing, marketing mix--how to choose? There are opportunity costs.
  • Missing More Opportunities: Sticking to a short-term focus can neglect long-term sustainability and growth. Someone has to be looking to the future.
  • Stagnating: The status quo is rarely stable over the long term. By relying on apparent stability, the risk is staying in the same place, whether it's career, personal growth, or relationships. Your skills may decay, or even worse, you fail to keep up with new ones.
  • Limiting Outside Perspectives: By staying in your comfort zone, you limit your exposure to new ideas, cultures, and experiences. This narrow perspective can hinder career and personal growth, and understanding of the world around you.
  •  Resisting Change. Many people, including the leader or owner, resist change. Even change agents resist change they didn’t initiate. Conflicts, decreased morale, and lower productivity arise and stubbornly remain. Skepticism is welcome, but cynicism is toxic.
  • Damaging our Reputation: If the program fails or doesn't meet expectations, it can damage the reputation of the individuals or organizations involved, affecting trust, credibility, and personal pride.
  • Stunting Personal Growth: Over time, the things you didn't do can weigh on you, leading to feelings of regret-- about missed chances, unfulfilled dreams, or relationships not pursued.
  • Burnout and Stress: The increased workload and pressure associated with implementing a program of action can lead to burnout and stress, at work and at home.

But what if you don’t rock the boat?

Kennedy warned against the long-range costs and risks of comfortable inaction. Here are a few.

We are still discovering the reality and opportunities of space exploration. You are reading this through technology developed in that exploration. The internet, satellite phones, GPS, precision missile targeting, should you need it—all arose from risks taken and costs incurred decades ago.

The current US political situation reflects this lack of shared experiences, or rather, of over-emphasizing our differences rather than looking for common ground.

And those people! We are such a problem. Fear is a fundamental stopper of initiative. What could go wrong here?

If you’ve ever been through a merger/acquisition, you’ve seen this. Systems (software, processes, relationships) don’t merge easily either.

When you don't challenge yourself, you may start to doubt whether you're capable of achieving your goals. This loss of confidence can make you less resilient when faced with adversity. Isolation is stagnating. The” re-entry” from COVID isolation has been more difficult that many of us expected.

All these personal challenges—resistance, regret, pride, loss of confidence, isolation—make it harder to cope with setbacks and bounce back from failures.

These are fearsome risks. It’s enough to make you cut the throttle and rock along on the comfortable course you’ve set. But that is short-term thinking. Even if you’re working on a new program, you may be aiming too low.

We take risks and incur costs for a reward. Often it’s not the reward we expected. Sometimes it less than that. But sometimes the reward is, as they say, beyond our wildest dreams.

Humans got to earthly orbit. We got to the moon. We flew past Mars, and Saturn. Now Voyager is 15 billion miles from Earth, exploring even farther. And just recently, NASA engineers repaired the 46-year-old computers across that vast distance.

And many businesses and jobs and new ideas have resulted.

What big vision do you have for your business? Are you working on that, even part of the time, while you manage operations and sales and cash flow?

What about adding a new strategy, and shooting for the stars?

Lorette Pruden has helped hundreds of small business owners, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and community leaders grow their businesses and manage that growth since 2000. She specializes in the Formerly Corporate—so many small business owners who’ve worked with her come from a corporate background that she finally wrote the book on it.

4th Quarter Strategies to Boost Your Income Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:33:00 +0000 The 4th quarter of 2023 is upon us. There’s enough data for the year to give you some guidance into what you could change up as you finish this year and head into 2024.

Alongside doing more and/or better at the things that are working, it's crucial to consider different strategies to bolster your income.

Here are four you might consider:

  1. Add more options. One of the most effective ways to boost revenue is by expanding your product or service line. Is there a new market segment just waiting for you? What could you offer that would attract new customers and cater to existing ones? Ask your existing customers what else they might be willing to buy.
  2. Leverage your online visibility. People look you up, you know. From Google searches to LinkedIn profiles to Instagram, FB, and TikTok presence, prospective customers will look for you online and current customers will follow you. How could you spruce yourself up there?
  3. Reward customer loyalty. Encouraging repeat business and customer referrals can be a sustainable source of revenue. Loyalty programs, exclusive discounts, or rewards can keep your current customers coming back and spreading the word about you to others. (Team Nimbus alumni, I’m sweetening the pot for you.)
  4. Review your costs. While not directly increasing revenue, optimizing operational costs can effectively boost your bottom line. 4th Quarter is a great time to review expenses, cancel forgotten or unprofitable subscriptions, negotiate with suppliers, and streamline your business processes. Reduce overhead, keep more of your earnings.
    Here at Team Nimbus, we're considering all four. I’ll just mention a couple we're doing now.

First, we offer a private coaching day, focused exclusively on the client’s specific need.

Here are a few topics we’ve covered recently:
Build (or Review) Your Profitable Business Plan
Why Not Quit? Creating a Graceful Exit.
Profitable Client Prospecting Day.
What business challenges do YOU need to focus on?
Book a time this week at

Second, we are live online with complimentary Common-Sense Chats for Small Businesses. On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we discuss the challenges our attendees are facing, and some very creative approaches come up. Free brilliance!

Attendance is free, but registration is required.
Register at

I look forward to our discussions.

In the Doggiest Days of Summer, Resilience and Persistence are Needed Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:19:00 +0000 Resilience and persistence are needed more than ever.

The way it is:

In this record-beating summer, the dog days have descended with unanticipated furor. The relentless heat, fires, and floods push down on our spirits and sap our energy. It’s hard not to wonder if the earth itself will roast or drown under the strain.

I’ve had to lean on my own resilience to acknowledge that this is something different, yet I still move ahead.

The sun blazes overhead with intense energy, and we can harness it to power our modern lives.

The air-conditioner labors to keep up with 100+ heat index days, and I am lucky to have one.

Torrential rains alternate with high heat index and stifling humidity, and our drought-baked fields are now green. I decided to shut our farmers market earlier in the day and preserve the produce the producers and the shoppers.

A sense of promise:

Amidst the struggle, there are moments of camaraderie.

I’ve seen the season’s two blockbuster movies in theatres, the one about the A-bomb (too serious for popcorn) and the one about a glamour doll (yes, we wore pink). I went with different sets of friends. Both crowds were much larger than we have seen since pre-pandemic times. And in both, people were talking with strangers.

There's a sense of solidarity in enduring this summer together, and even complaints about the heat blend with news of grandbabies and family gatherings into a sort of communal small talk.

As we yearn for a cool breeze or just a bit of rain, we find solace in the little respites summer offers. We retreat to shaded spots, savoring popsicles. I’m eager to plunge into cool quarry waters in a swimming hole nearby. New lovers find a way to each other, and they will remember this summer as magical, without its worst parts.

What we can make of it:

Though it may not be the most picturesque, romantic summer, it is undeniably a testament to the human spirit. We adapt, we cope, and we find ways to make the most of this searing season.

And there is my business lesson for this post…resilience is built into human nature. We are problem-solvers and artists, we are doers and baby-makers, and brides, and grooms.

We are resilient persistent and creative. There are momentous challenges for us, but we know what to do. This is the moment. In the doggiest of dog days.

Mid-Year Review: Reflecting on Your Business Results Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:04:00 +0000 Mid-year results are a powerful opportunity to see how your business plan is working, and decide if and how to change your approach.

So how about we take a look at your results so far, and at what you had hoped to accomplish for 2023?

First, let's acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. Have you experienced steady or growing revenue? Have you forged new customer relationships and business partnerships? Take pride in your progress thus far.

Ask yourself also: Do challenging market conditions mean you need to shift gears? Are you sticking to your plan? Or do you need to start, stop or continue an activity?

To help you enhance your results, here are three steps to consider:

1. Enhance customer experience: Prioritize exceptional service and reach out for feedback from your customers. By promptly addressing their needs and improving their overall experience, you'll foster loyalty and generate positive word-of-mouth.

2. Refine your marketing strategies:

From the feedback you got in Step 1, tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with the unique needs and preferences of your ideal clients. Try your new message out with current customers and new prospects you meet.  Once refined, your outreach through digital and social media platforms will attract a better-matched set of potential customers.

3. Join our Business Builder Mastermind team: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals in a collaborative environment can significantly impact your business.

Our Mastermind team cultivates a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration, where you can leverage the collective expertise of talented business owners to grow and manage your business more effectively. Book a call with me at to learn how you can become part of our next Mastermind team.

Humans thrive when they work together, and wither if they rely too much on themselves. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, a partner, or an owner of a business with fewer than 10 employees, being part of a real Mastermind team can alter the course of your business.

As we navigate the business landscape, remember the wisdom of B. Brewster Jennings, Chairman of Mobil Oil from 1944 to 1951: "Man's greatest discovery is teamwork by agreement." Together, we can achieve extraordinary results.

I look forward to discussing your business goals and how our Mastermind team can support your growth. Let's make the rest of this year a remarkable success.

Summer Marketing Ideas That'll Make a Splash Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:15:00 +0000 Are you ready to make a splash with your business?  Now that it’s really summer, it's the perfect time to weave the summer’s energy into your campaigns. You want more people to talk to about your business, right?

Summer activities provide a fantastic backdrop for engaging with your target audience and creating a memorable impression. Fun and adventure can work wonders on your marketing. Who wants to play?

Last time I touched on “Buddying Up” as a marketing strategy. Who else is looking to make a splash this summer?

Here are a few specifics you can try.

  • Local Business Associations--Check out your own. What do they offer? Ours mails a package of members’ promotions to all new residents of our town, each quarter. I’ll be in there, for sure!
  • Sponsor Local Events--Your local farmers market or arts council or festival would probably welcome your sponsorship. Our market offers listings in our local newspaper and on our website, weekly newsletters, and certain days to be at the market promoting your business. Everybody’s happy at the farmers’ market, and customers and vendors appreciate your vote of confidence!
  • Support Youth Activities--Are the kids playing sports this summer? Or in the school band? Or the dance recital? The teams would love your backing and so would their folks.
  • Virtual Co-marketing –Don’t limit yourself geographically. Co-marketing with businesses that share a target market and can work virtually is one of the hottest tactics around. You could organize a “Summer Summit” where the price of admission is an umbrella drink in your Zoom hand. (That’s my good idea for a Friday afternoon.)

Remember, the key to success here lies in infusing your marketing efforts with the spirit of summer. Summer is short--don’t overthink this.

Your goal is to create an emotional connection and establish your business as both profit-minded and community-oriented. Keep it simple and authentic. 

Then you’ll have more people to talk to about your products & services.

I'm excited to see how you embrace these ideas and what you come up with.  If you'd like to brainstorm techniques or discuss strategies further, book a call with me at

Let's make this summer a memorable one for your business!

Summer Marketing: Elevate Your Business Before Fall Arrives Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:17:00 +0000 Summer...only 9 days away. As we kick off the official season, here are some important reminders about how marketing now affects the months ahead.

Even if you haven't started your summer marketing yet, don't worry! You still have a solid three months until the official start of Fall--plenty of time.

By taking action now, you can gain a competitive edge. While your competitors might be taking a break, you have the opportunity to be top of mind when they shift their attention to the fourth quarter.

Here's why it's crucial to act promptly:

1️. You'll Stay Ahead

Keep a consistent marketing presence going throughout the summer. Why? It ensures that your business remains at the forefront of your customer's minds. By increasing your visibility, you foster brand recognition and customer loyalty.

2️. You’ll Beat the Competition

Stand out by staying proactive, while other businesses reduce their marketing efforts during the summer. Don't let your competitors steal the spotlight while you take the beach chair. 

3️. You’ll be Prepared for Fall

As summer winds down, people begin to shift their focus toward the final quarter. By starting your marketing initiatives now, you position your business as the go-to option when they're ready to meet their needs in the coming months.

To make the most of this summer in business, try one or more of these strategies:

  • Introduce a summer-themed marketing campaign.
  • Showcase your summer promotions, discounts, or special events on your social media. 
  • Buddy up with local influencers or complementary businesses for summer fun doing business. 

And enjoy yourself! For years, I’ve strategized with my best friend on a day at the beach. We laid out the broad strokes of our business plans for the coming year. You too can create mutually beneficial relationships—ask me about the Starburst model--that help both parties expand their reach, increase their visibility and tap into new customer segments.

Remember, it's never too late to start, or too soon. Take bite-size chunks. Every effort you make now will contribute to your success in the coming months.

Boost your business before fall sneaks up on you. Stay proactive, be creative, and show your customers why your business is the best choice for their needs.

 If you have any questions or need assistance with your marketing strategies, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to support you and help you achieve your business goals.

Thrive in Summer and Avoid Restarting in the Fall: Strategies for Small Business Mon, 15 May 2023 10:38:00 +0000 As a fellow small business owner, I understand the importance of making strategic decisions. With summer just around the corner, here are valuable insights on why summer diligence can help avoid a painful fall restart.

1. Capitalize on Summer Opportunities:

If summer is your best season, tap into increased consumer spending, travel, and recreational activities. If your clientele will be back “after school starts”, get ready for them!

🔹 Your #1 Marketing Advantage: Even if your business slows down in the summer,  keep marketing. When your customers get that fall energy surge, you want to be front and center as they start looking around.

You don’t want to be having your own surge and just getting your 4th quarter marketing in gear after Labor Day.

🔹 Maintain your Competitive Edge: If your competition tends to default--to slow down or close during the summer—then you can win the game by just showing up!

By catering to customers' needs during this time, you can build loyalty and position

yourself as a reliable and accessible option.

You can also work behind the scenes to improve your own operations, marketing,

and plans for 4thQ. It’s not too soon.

🔹 Grab that Seasonal Demand: If you're in the hospitality, retail, or service sector, offering summer-specific products or services can provide a significant revenue boost. Reverse the timing if you have a winter-centric business.

2. Tactics for Thriving:

🔹 Use Seasonal Marketing Campaigns: Create targeted marketing campaigns that highlight your unique summer offerings, promotions, or events. Leverage social media platforms, email marketing, and local advertising to effectively reach your target audience and generate buzz.

🔹 Adapt and Innovate: Explore ways to align your existing products or services with summer trends and preferences. Consider introducing seasonal variations, limited-time offers, or collaborating with other businesses to provide comprehensive solutions.

🔹 Be Fun (and Easy) to Do Business With Most: people idealize a “laid-back” summer. Use the summer season as an opportunity to enhance customer experience. How can you make your business more engaging and effortless to do business with? 

Can you improve response times, streamline processes, or offer personalized recommendations to help customers make the most of their summer activities? 

3. Observe your Competitors

🔹 Monitor competitors' summer strategies, product launches, and promotions to gain insights into industry trends. However, avoid getting distracted by their actions. 

🔹 While it's essential to stay informed about competitors' activities, it's equally crucial to remain focused on your own growth.

Keep your head on your business over the summer. You will maintain momentum, build customer loyalty, and avoid the need to restart in the fall. Remember, consistency and adaptability are key to thriving in any season.
